Google just revealed Android Nougat with cool new features

Google just revealed their latest Android version named Nougat. Android N will replaced last’s year Marshmallow, where it performs an exceptional performance, which it fixes some problems that Android faces as an operating system.

Owners of Android powered smartphone will be receiving their major upgrade soon. Nougat will have a new features coming to Android smartphones are better battery performance and improved battery life, thanks to new Doze feature, where the operating system will detect if the smartphone is being use on in idle mode.

With this new Android version, smartphone screen can now support split screen apps. This new feature, have a similarity to the iOS, where applications can run side to side or above one another.

Other features includes, a “night mode” where the Android smartphone will be cut down harmful lights, when it is being use during the night and also, better support on virtual reality games and apps. Android have also a feature called “Direct Reply Option” where the user will be able reply any text message or do a task directly through the notification interface.

The big question is, when we can get this new Android version?

Google tells that they will begin releasing this new Android later this year, the first smartphones to receive this update will be the Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X.

 Of course, Samsung, LG and HTC will be starting to release Android Nougat by end of 2016 or early of 2017.


Veneric P. Flores

Hi. I’m Smartphone Enthusiast. Inspired to make things looks better.

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