LG confirms that their upcoming flagship smartphone; the G5 will be unveil on February 21st

A lot of news, rumors have surrounded LG’ upcoming flagship smartphone, the LG G5. The rumors about this upcoming smartphone talks about what is the design for the LG G5, what features it will have it I its arsenal, and the most important is when it will be unveil.

 For the design, the rumor tells that it will have a new design than the current LG G4, this plan will be major risk for LG if the rumor is true but it may also be an advantage for their flagship smartphone that will separate them from their rivals.

For feature, according to the rumors, LG G5 will have sliding bottom accessory that in house the battery. Well, if this is true; we might see a different type of smartphone that no one have ever consider this feature before. A pop out battery on the bottom, it seems cool to have.

About the unveiling of this smartphone, LG confirms that G5 will be unveil on February 21st just before the official opening day Mobile World Congress to be held in Barcelona, Spain. This was being confirm via there twitter account, just couple of hours ago.

If LG G5 will this “other design” and “cool feature” it will set a new landscape in the smartphones area, that will beneficial for them or a disaster waiting to happen. But, the only we thing know is that LG will be unveiling LG G5 in the few days from now.


Veneric P. Flores

Hi. I’m Smartphone Enthusiast. Inspired to make things looks better.

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