Leaked: Image of Allegedly iPhone 7 shows major changes

Since the released of the first iPhone back in 2007, people are always being impress about the innovation that it has and specs that powering it. With the current iPhone 6S is consider one of the best smartphone today, yet the next iPhone will be release later this year. Apple next flagship smartphone, the iPhone 7 will unveil this coming September. And it’s been on of rumors and leaks recently.

image from nowhereelse.fr

Yet this day, another leaks image of allegedly iPhone 7 showing a major changes of its design and features. A French site named “NoWhereElse” , has acquired the first schematics of the upcoming iPhone 7, which reveals Apple’s plan to change. Also, a schematics from Onleaks states a 3 changes:

1.       No More Antenna Bands

Finally, Apple kill the antenna stripe of the upcoming iPhone 7, which many user of the previous iPhone seems to feel weird because of the antenna bands in the back of the iPhones. This Antenna bands of iPhone, making it to look ugly when looking at back of the device. With Antenna Bands being remove it will make the upcoming iPhone 7 to look cleaner at back and look sexier.

2.       Thinner Design

This move could be a controversial one, because it might compromise the battery aspect of iPhone 7, and we know that iPhones have smaller battery than their counterpart Android smartphones. The new Samsung Galaxy S7 sacrifice the thinner dimension over the battery capacity. But when the upcoming iPhone 7 will have improve battery plus a thinner body, this will be huge edge over the smartphones.

3.       Improve Camera

This is not a surprise to the upcoming iPhone 7 because every new iPhone has upgraded camera on it. The image shows that Apple is making the camera module bigger. But bigger camera module not necessarily indicating that it will have a protruding camera, as to the current iPhone 6S, instead rumors tells that iPhone 7 camera will be flat. But it will not accommodate the dual camera system as rumors tells, although a 5.5 inch iPhone 7 Plus variant named “iPhone 7 Pro” will be available to have the dual camera system.

With this new changes of the upcoming iPhone 7, this might result in a huge edge to other flagship Android smartphone or another completely disappoint, who knows. But still Apple produces devices that captivates the people with its looks and power.

Before iPhone 7 will be unveil, a new iPhone will be unveil this coming March 21st, the iPhone SE together with new Apple smartwatch and new iPad Air 3.

Veneric P. Flores

Hi. I’m Smartphone Enthusiast. Inspired to make things looks better.

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