Apple's iPhone 5SE launch date leaked; and iPhone 7 rumored to have "Touch-Free Hovering Hand Gestures"

Apple has been in the headlines for a couple of months now, about the latest iPhone that will replace the other iPhone, the iPhone 5S. Apple will launch a new iPhone in the market, with more cheaply than their flagship smartphone, the iPhone 6^ and 6S Plus. In order for them to compete the new emerging markets in China and India, as well compete with the mid-range price smartphones from the Chinese manufacturers.

The latest iPhone is rumored to name an iPhone 6C, but the confirmed name is iPhone 5SE. even though this iPhone relatively cheaper than the current iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus, the iPhone 5SE will be powerful as the previous iPhone 6 with a latest 3D Touch features in it. This will ensure iPhone 5SE will have the same updates that the current iPhone’s have.

According to the rumor, it will be launch on 15th of March together with Apple’s latest devices, this includes the smart watch and the latest iPad Air 3.

"iPhone 7 Rumors to have new feature"

On the other rumor, the upcoming Apple’s iPhone 7 will have “Touch-Free Hovering Hand Gestures”, this means that the control of the smartphone will be touching it.

Apple filed a patent to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office about this technology. It was titled “Proximity and Multi-touch Sensor Detection and Modulation” and the office granted Apple last Tuesday. About this technology, the user will enable to control the device by hovering their hand over the touchscreen display.


Veneric P. Flores

Hi. I’m Smartphone Enthusiast. Inspired to make things looks better.

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